NNHF Project of the Year Award 2024

The NNHF Project of the Year Award 2024 was presented to Hemophilia Federation (India), (HFI), in recognition of their remarkable achievements through their project ‘Unify Hemophilia Federation (India)’.

Here’s a closer look at the project’s approach and why this project stood out and earned this prestigious accolade.

Structured Advocacy

Through the delivery of a Train the Trainer workshop and the organisation of four regional training sessions, the project effectively advocated for the goal of ‘One country, one treatment’. This structured approach enabled regional trainers to cascade advocacy knowledge and tools, while also gaining insights into core gaps and policy needs. The resulting advocacy action plans were tailored to address both national and state-level requirements, showcasing a comprehensive and strategic approach.

Global Advocacy Programme Participation

In 2022, a core group from HFI engaged in the NNHF Global Advocacy Programme, further enhancing their knowledge, skills, and confidence to undertake advocacy activities. Subsequently, four regional follow-up training sessions were conducted, and with a well-defined advocacy strategy in place, the HFI laid out practical steps to mobilise the organisation and achieve policy goals at district, state, and national levels.

Strategic Engagement and Advocacy

At the national level, the project actively engaged with the Blood Cell department under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, as well as sensitised 17 parliamentarians to the needs of individuals with haemophilia. At the state level, the majority of HFI chapters conducted advocacy activities such as engaging in meetings to influence state authorities, and organised media and awareness campaigns to drive policy changes.

Progress and Feedback

82% of all states (23 out of 28) actively responded to a post-project survey carried out by NNHF in March 2023 showing the following:
  • 93% of responding chapters have an increase in advocacy knowledge and skills
  • 87% of responding chapters have engaged in advocacy activities since being trained
  • 60% of responding states have seen a systemic change since 2019

Systemic Change and Impact

The project’s strategic advocacy and engagement efforts have resulted in significant systemic changes. At the national level, constant advocacy and the showcasing of other states led to an increase in budgets, with a national increment close to 20%. Notably, there was at least a 40% increase in the number of haemophilia treatment centres from 71 in 2019 to more than 100 in 2023. Moreover, the inclusion of haemophilia in the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act at the national level represents a significant milestone. At the state level, numerous systemic changes have been identified and are highlighted in the project’s impact report here.

The impact of the project continues, for example in Maharashtra where each of the 36 districts now has a Haemophilia Treatment Centre HFI is sharing its expertise amongst the NNHF network, recently engaging in a knowledge exchange with Nepal Haemophilia Society.

This project’s exceptional achievements in advocacy, strategic engagement, and policy influence have rightfully earned it the NNHF Project of the Year Award 2024. This recognition underscores the project’s significant and lasting impact on the haemophilia community, setting a high standard for advocacy initiatives amongst the NNHF network. We look forward to continuing to support HFI’s advocacy initiatives in the current NNHF project in India, which brings together the patient and medical communities to advocate for improved care at state and national levels.

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