Connecting isolated region

The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan is separated from the rest of the country, making access to haemophilia care very difficult. By decentralising care beyond the mainland, this project created a new hub to establish care in the isolated region.

An isolated autonomous Republic

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is geographically separated from the rest of the country. It is difficult to cross the border and necessary to take a flight to and from mainland Azerbaijan. This presented major challenges in accessible care for people with haemophilia in Nakhchivan.

As the mapon the right shows, Nakhchivan is geographically isolated from the rest of Azerbaijan.

Overcoming geographical barriers

The project team worked to decentralise haemophilia care, including establishing a haemophilia treatment centre in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and strengthening physiotherapy across Azerbaijan.

In 2019, NNHF partner the Azerbaijan Republic Association of Hemophilia worked towards achieving these objectives. The team organised training for both laboratory technicians and physiotherapists, as well as establishing a physiotherapy clinic. One doctor from the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, and one doctor from Shirvan attended specialised training abroad.

Care in Azerbaijan is now far more accessible to people with haemophilia, a life-changing impact which is very significant in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

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